Search engine optimization has been dominating the internet for years and it doesn’t look like it’s going to be stopping anytime soon. In fact, it seems as it’s just getting started. But how big is the SEO industry? Caseo LTD, an SEO agency in Toronto, is here to help us answer that question.
The History of SEO
Before diving into how big search engine optimization is, it’s important to know why and how SEO became the leading internet industry in the world. Although you may not know much about SEO, you do know the world’s main search engine, which is Google.
Google, and the people who have made it what it is today, basically invented the concept of search engine optimization, or SEO. SEO came about when the internet hit the computer screens but was not effective as it is today. Today, SEO is the leading industry that companies and businesses big or small have been using to rank at the top of Google’s search pages to gain traffic and clients from. In today’s market, SEO is critical because without it, your company is in jeopardy of not getting noticed online and losing potential leads, customers, and clients. This can ultimately hurt you in the end, as without SEO you may never end up in the top Google search results which attracts more than three million people per day.
SEO Today
Today, SEO is the best it’s ever been with more than 80 million companies and businesses using SEO worldwide. It’s becoming a necessity and more and more people are learning new ways to optimize SEO and how it fits in with their site. If you want to grow with the internet or even have a name in the technology world, SEO is the first step into taking over the Google searches which will then help you become the top ranking site in your industry or niche.
Information Era
We are in an information era, which means that anywhere you go online, it is all about what information they can give you. Why? Because with information comes traffic to their site which in return means money…lots of it. And if they are doing it right and are on top of every search engine in the entire internet, then they are dominating the SEO market.
Information is what every person on the internet is looking for, and if your business is doing it correctly, then you too are at the top of the SEO ranks. More and more businesses are finding out that the easiest way to gain more traffic online is to dominate in SEO and to be more appealing to their audience. The only way to thrive in this business is to find out what SEO techniques are needed in order to be a successful company or business driving more readers and viewers to your site but also boosting revenue by 30%.
According to Sean Patrick from SEO Hacker, companies want potential clients or customers to find them appealing, and they strive to make the business look clickable and viewable in order to rank high in search engine results. For some, SEO is the reason for their revenue, fame, and success.
Social Media
Just like anywhere on the entire internet, social media plays a big part in SEO. According to Candace Wirth from TechWyse, many businesses uses these types of tools, which can be valuable since social media has been dominating this generation. She also states that a great example is Pinterest, as many SEO experts think that Pinterest is a great source for gaining traffic and followers, as a lot of people go on to spark some inspiration.
What Drives the Growth of SEO?
Everything on the internet. From people searching through the web to more websites being created daily. The need for search visibility is key in order for companies to grow and succeed online, Ads are slowly decreasing as the companies would rather put their ad revenue into expanding their SEO marketing research. And the biggest one of all is that SEO itself is getting smarter and sophisticated. As much as companies have to evolve. so does SEO.
Will SEO Be Relevant in a Couple of Years?
It may be difficult to know where SEO will be in a couple of years. But knowing that the technology is just in the beginning of its peak, he feels that SEO will continue to grow and become more popular with time.
Giving the advancements in technology and the need for Google, SEO is here for the long run and may still be just getting started. Considering how much SEO has helped many companies go from making nothing to seven figures, it’s important to know what’s next for SEO and how much will it evolve in a couple of years to a decade from now.